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Latest in beauty x Refinery 29 box


I am a little bit of a fangirl of Refinery29, a fashion, style, and beauty website which i regularly browse on my lunch break. You will have probably stumbled upon the site at some point, whether its a friend linking a thought provoking article upon your facebook newsfeed, or a tweet from one of your favourite bloggers, it’s highly unlikely you won’t know who these guys are!

When they got in touch to let me know that they were teaming up with latest in beauty for a lifestyle subscription box i was instantly excited and when it arrived.. oh boy. I was not disappointed.

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One of my fave items in the box is the colouring diary, its such a nice creative way to keep yourself organised and if you’re a stationary geek like me then I definitely recommend one. It mixes two of my favourite things together, relaxation and organisation all in one!

Another item i’m really excited to try out is the cowshed body lotion, it smells absolutely amazing and cowshed products are always full of the good stuff, and it’s a pretty decent amount of product! I’e also wanted to try a spread from pip & nut for the loooongest time and this sample is amazing because it looks tasty as hell, but also comes with a £1 off voucher.. cashew butter here I come!


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The finery bangles come in 3 different colours and are an incredible stocking filler at only £20. Baring in mind the box itself is only £30 however, I would recommend buying the whole thing if you’re feeling slightly generous!


Latest in Beauty x Refinery 29 Box – £30

For £30 this box is insanely amazing value for money and I’m sure you can agree that aesthetically is is stunning. I didn’t really expect anything less from a Refinery 29 collaboration, but I can honestly say absolutely everything in this box is something I am excited to try! You can order a box yourself here and if you are the kind of person that like getting little bits for multiple friends, investing in the box and then giving a few bits here and there to different friends is a great idea!

My favourite thing about the box is that 10% of the profits go to women’s rights charity Women’s Aid which is amazing (and another reason i adore refinery 29 so much!)

Which item from the box are you most excited about?

The post Latest in beauty x Refinery 29 box appeared first on She Wears Fashion.

source: She Wears Fashion http://ift.tt/2h8b8YA

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