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Lifestyle: 5 Things I've Learnt About Blogging


It's been 6 years since I wrote my first ever blog post. It feels like a life-time ago since I was that 15 year old girl obsessed with fashion magazines and all things fashion related. Since that time social media platforms Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat have come about, the most popular bloggers have book deals, make-up ranges, stationery ranges the list goes on....

I don't count myself as a 'big blogger' and I don't think I ever will. I thought seems as I'm a bit of a granny in blogging land now that I'd share 5 things I've learnt in my 6 years of blogging!

1. It's okay to be different - When I first started my blog I wasn't anywhere near as confident as I feel now. I used to be scared to wear what I liked as I was constantly more bothered about what other people thought of me. One of the things blogging has taught me is that not everyone is going to love your outfit, it's about your opinion and how you rock it!

2. To always stay true to yourself - There's a lot of bloggers I've met over the years which have changed completely (in my opinion) due to the fame and success they have received. Some bloggers are all about how many followers they can get on Instagram, some as more interested in the freebies whereas there's still a small amount of bloggers that are interested in blogging as they truly love it.
3. Relationships with brands/companies aren't the number 1 priority - Back in the day (all those years ago) I felt that when brands first got in contact with me that if I loved the brand, I'd work with them and really try and nurture the relationship as I deemed it as important to my blog and the success of it. With new companies launching everyday, brands having different specifications about how they want to work with bloggers etc these relationships don't last as long. I appreciate every single opportunity which comes my way thanks to my blog and whether that's a long relationship with a brand of a short one, only time will tell and that it doesn't always matter as long as you work with brands you love and enjoy.

4. Don't compare yourself with other bloggers - I'll have to admit sometimes I compare myself to bloggers who have had huge success and I'll wonder why haven't I had that? It's only normal. Over time I've realised you have to be happy of their success and support them as that's what blogging is about. I've always stayed true to myself and have been as genuine as I can when it comes to blog and sometimes I feel that some bloggers are being someone they are not just to grab that '15 minute fame.'

5. Blog about what YOU want to blog about - It's your little space on the internet after all! I've learnt over the years that I'm going to blog about what I want to, when I want to. I post content I'd want to read myself, content that relates to my personal experiences and about the make-up products/items of clothing I'm loving.

What have you learnt from blogging? 
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source: FASHION-TRAIN http://ift.tt/1O9OOWO

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