On Sunday evening we went into town to see the LUX Helsinki light festival's outdoor art installations that have been spread out around down town Helsinki since Epiphany. It's a yearly happening arranged by the city and I've never paid it too much attention before, but this year the pieces were all rather impressive and I really wanted to make it (which is not always easy when you pretty much live where you work and if not then out in the countryside).
This cloud was made of light bulbs that you could turn on and off.
This could be from a desk by the window but it's not; it's just a three meter desktop lamp in a park.
The Old Church park -most often called the Plague Park, as victims of the plague were buried there the old days- was filled with lanters. The atmoshphere here was perhaps the most intense here, with smoke, colours and ambient sound.
Music was also played as part of the installations by the Senate Square.
The Helsinki dome looked very impressive being projected in different patterns.
To get closer to the light, so to say. The theme of the installations on the dome were joy. (I wouldn't perhaps label this particular print under that label as I find it scary as hell with the eerie dancers and sad thinkers, but then again that's just me.)
Family in shadows with polka dots.
Projecting. You can see how the air sort of shimmers of ice crystals when it's moist and cold at the same time. It is like everything is glittering.
It will be interesting to see how the city will be lit up the next year!
source: The Freelancer's Fashionblog http://ift.tt/1RKLHdS