A Sunday Podcast to Go With Your Coffee


Monocycle: Episode 6

On Taking My Husband's Last Name

Leandra Medine

In this week's episode of Monocycle, I talk about a relatively recent decision that I made to take my husband's last name. Not discussed is the prospect of a) my husband taking my last name, nor b) the possibility that we could create a third last name thus leaning into neither a patriarchy nor a matriarchy. But as you'll see toward the end of our ten minutes together, what name you decide to assume doesn't really matter so much as does the motivation that propels you toward that decision.

What I'm realizing in putting these episodes together is that it almost always boils back down to: how can I be the happiest version of myself? Anyway, listen on and let me know what you think. I would love nothing more than to have a conversation about what's in a name.

And because we're just a handful of days out from the new year, don't forget to

a) Indulge yourself

b) Plagiarize pop star lyrics for the holiday cards you forgot to send

c) Wear something snazzy.

Intro song: "The Show Must Be Go" by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0 License. Logo illustration by Kelly Shami; background image via Shutterstock.

Monocycle is produced by Kate Barnett and edited by Nicholas Quazzy Alexander.

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