Today's Everyday Fashion: Nashville Recap


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Today's Everyday Fashion: Nashville Recap
November 11, 2015


Today I'm sharing a real life packing scenario: the outfits I wore and my packing list from our girls' trip to Nashville! First up, three outfits I wore during the day...

1. Far left - Friday was a travel day and lunch at Frothy Monkey (highly recommend). I look pretty goofy in this photo but you can see my outfit. ;-)
2. Middle - Saturday was brunch at Acme (my favorite meal), the Redneck Comedy Tour and sightseeing. It was cold, so I wore a black peacoat over the vest.
3. Right - Sunday was brunch at The Southern (also yummy), more touristy stuff and travel home. I wore a long pendant instead of the earrings, and I also packed a sweater and jeans to wear with this poncho in case it was too cold for bare legs.

These next two outfits are what I wore at night. The black boots arrived just in time for the trip, fit great and were SO comfy even with a 2.5 inch heel.  I wore them both nights.

My packing list:

- Three pairs of boots (one tall, two short)
- One black wool peacoat
- One ivory fuzzy vest
- Three pairs of jeans
- One romper, one dress
- Two ponchos
- Assorted tops

I wore everything except the jeans and sweater that I had packed extra for Sunday, and a couple extra shirts I threw in just in case I spilled something.

Here are a few pictures from the trip. We had a blast celebrating Amanda's birthday and I already want to go back! Nashville is so fun!


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