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Lifestyle: 5 Negatives I Feel Towards Blogging


Sometimes I feel like it's okay to write a personal post, to be a bit more 'real' with you guys. Not that I'm not 'real' I just don't like sharing a lot of what goes on in my life. I like sharing with you all the happy things, the fashion items and beauty items i'm loving, the positives from lessons I've learnt and the experiences I have thanks to this blog.

At the moment life isn't the easiest of things and so I thought I'd write a little post because it's okay to have those down moments and those down times especially when it comes to blogging.

1. It's so easy to compare yourself - I technically started my blog when I was 15, I'm now 21. In the past 6 years so much has changed within the blogging world and there's thousands of new blogs popping up online everyday. With the likes of Zoella, Fleur De Force and Tanya Burr who all started blogging around the same time as me I find myself comparing what I've achieved to them. I don't have any books released or make-up lines and I still get excited that sometimes (not all the time) I'm able to earn a little bit of money from something I'd loved doing for so long.

2. It feels like blogging is all about the numbers/followers - I've got myself down about Instagram for so long (you can follow me here if you'd like) as I don't have tens of thousands of followers like so many other bloggers out there. I love Instagram from the point of view it's a new way of interacting with your followers and taking a closer looks into there lives. I don't like how it's now all about the 'selfies' and wearing the latest fashion item and get hundreds of likes on a photo and how when it comes to working with brands, I've been turned down for things as I don't have the set amount of required followers on Instagram. Whatever happened to producing just good quality content?

3. A lot of bloggers aren't true to themselves - A lot of bloggers I've met in person aren't the same as they appear to be online. Don't worry there's a lot of bloggers who are so down to earth and lovely and I can call genuine friends but there's been some surprises along the way. It's a shame that there's people out there only 'friends' with a blogger as they're more popular so instead of genuine friendship it's about personal gain.

4. Taking outfit photos isn't always confidence boosting - I love sharing with you all the outfits i'm loving to wear, what I'm loving on the high-street at the moment but sometimes getting out my tripod and taking some photos makes me feel worse then better. I'm not the thinnest of girls out there but I'm not fat, I'm a size 10/12 and looking back on it, it seems crazy the amount of outfit posts i've discarded as I wasn't happy with them.

5. Sometimes life just gets in the way - I sometimes get so hung up about constantly having a good amount of people viewing my blog, I feel bad if I don't upload and I'm writing this post right now at ten to midnight. Blogging inspiration comes in spurs and different times of the day and sometimes life just gets to much. Since beginning this blog I've completed my GCSE's, A-Levels, Started a degree in Birmingham, dropped out of university, travelled the world (a bit) and started a different degree at Huddersfield. There's been so many ups and downs but I'm so glad this blog has been there with me every step of the way. 
This may seem like a bit of a downer of a post but I wanted to point out that everything isn't rosy when it comes to running a blog.
Let me know if there's things about blogging which get in the way for you, or how you feel the blogging industry has changed the past few years!
 photo xoxo_zpsef0b558b.jpg

source: FASHION-TRAIN http://ift.tt/1Tc4YEj

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