Fuq the Black Friday Noise: Plug Your Headphones In and Podcast Out


If you're grateful for your family but you're only allowed to be on your phone for 5 more minutes:

Listen to Monocycle: Episode 3. Leandra talks about what she's thankful for this Thanksgiving.

If you're grateful for boob tape and 'Sex & the City' marathons:

Listen to Oh Boy! With Stacy London - On building an empire, self-confidence and her secret relationship with SATC

If you think you're burned out, you should've seen the turkey I just ruined...

Or listen to the first episode of Monocycle instead.

And if you need something to jolt you out of that food coma:

Listen to Oh Boy! With Whitney Cummings. You'll laugh until your stomach hurts (but that also might be all the cranberry sauce).

For the self-proclaimed sophisticate
The one instance in which "going through the shredder" is a good idea

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